Published by Starhead in 1990 at an odd measurement of 17.5 x 12.5 cm.
Made entirely of reprints.
Cover = Dog of Dawn, Dog of Dusk
"Snake Skin" = Iron Moose # 3 (looking back, I bet I was showing the influence of Dr. Seuss' great book, Yertle the Turtle)
Dewey decimal = Open Stacks
"Super Hero" = Sketchman # 2 (A fairly true story. Notice the use of the "what it is" term in the 1980s, long before it became a hip cliche)
I always miss out = Slam Bang # 2
Christ's dog = Sick Dog Funnies # 1
"Cafe USA" = Guest Check (My editorial on the policies of Ron the Con)
Xenophobic Knives (which needs to be read here in a nontraditional sequence due to the layout) and Brave New Nazis were originally released as stand alone minicomix.
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