This one drifts pretty far from comic art, but there is a connection. And hey, how often does a guy get to say he shows up in the film credits? Although in reality it shouldn't have been my name, it should've been Lynn Hansen's.
This documentary was originally broadcast on Dutch television in 2005. Wouter Van Opdorp, the director, heard about Number Nine, Lynn Hansen's book presenting his theory on the "Paul is dead" hoax. Wouter contacted me, I sent him a copy, and apparently they used some of the info.
Although if they did use any of Lynn's book, I'm not sure where it shows up in the film. Several researchers have looked into this hoax as a detective or journalist would by interviewing people and doing lots of field work. That's the case with this highly entertaining documentary. But Lynn was more of an armchair theorizer (at least on this topic) and had a completely different take on the whole affair.
The piece was released on European DVD, which means I can only play it on my computer. It is, however, currently available on YouTube in 3 parts.
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