Although commercial advertising illustration isn't my deal, I have been known to draw images for the enterprises of my pals. Such was the case in 1983 for Henard Adventures. The contact here was Doug Hendrickson, the same Doug you can read about in How Two Ex-Presidents Went Up My Nose!
My scanner can't handle that obsolete old legal size, so here's a Henard poster in two pieces. In some ways this drawing was sort of a rough draft for the Woofer the Psychic Dog image I drew three years later. I can't remember why I used the name "Arnie Schwartz" when I signed my name. I made up a lot of different names back then.
As anyone who knows me well will tell you, the real humor behind this poster is that I am among the most sedentary of people. If I were a club joiner, the Diogenes Club would be the one for me.
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