This is from City Limits Gazette # Mermaid, mermaid, have you ever seen blood? (Sept. 1992). The issue's name came from a song my sweet little 4 year old daughter had invented and was singing with innocent joy.
One of the CLG features I enjoyed publishing were interviews with subscribers. Here's one with Lynn Hansen, who would've been 52 years old this month. He died in April 1995.
Lynn was a collector and had a regular comix review column in CLG. He was also my friend. Although he had been a house guest here in McCleary several times, and we talked on the phone and corresponded frequently, I found him to be an all-around enigmatic fellow who left a lot of mysterious loose ends when he departed. Believe me, I could write a long book about him, and maybe someday I will.
Notice also I included a sample of the "Bil Keane Watch." More on that later.
Lynn Hansen was a personal friend of mine, as well, and visited Shadowville several times. And yes, his life, and death, were quite mysterious. Don't know if you heard, but longtime small press zinester Rick Howe recently passed away, as well. Info on him can be found at:
Hi Will, nice to hear from you again and thanks for passing along the news.