Wednesday, October 20, 2010

1994 Comix Catalog

Hey, I found some of the catalogs I sent out in 1994 during the print-on-demand phase. Notice I was also selling Dale Luciano's Dada Gumbo unsold inventory from the 1980s. Later I added many titles from Clay Geerdes' trunkload of Comix Wave minis.

Sarah and I have discussed republishing some of the older comix and selling them through this website as special editions. Any requests out there for particular titles?


  1. Hi Steve,

    I'd love to see some of those indexes and anything else you feel moved to re-issue or resurrect!

  2. Thanks Richard. Reprinting those indexes would require the permission of the amazing Gary Usher. But I'll probably start with something a tad bit smaller when I begin reprinting, at least at first.

  3. Is "all of them!" an option for us newbies?

  4. It isn't out of the question. I know from reprinting all those 1st Danger Room Reprint Editions all at once it takes a long time to physically prepare those little guys. And that was only 5 copies each!


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