One of only two issues in this series printed in enlarged digest format, inserted with City Limits Gazette # Lilacs out of the dead land (April 1992).
An earlier version of this comic was presented in a library display case at The Evergreen State College in the mid-1980s when I was employed there. It was probably around Columbus Day. Although the comic had a good response from many students and staff, there was quite an angry uproar from one segment of the student body who felt Columbus was an unworthy subject to bring up in a humorous way. Frivolity, it seems, is only for the bourgeois and oppressor class.
Apparently they had not learned the best revenge toward your political enemies to make them an object of laughter. Anger only feeds them. Whenever someone from either political extreme gets upset at one of my comix, I feel like I've done my job as a cartoonist. This particular case, however, was unintentional-- sort of a happy accident.
This method of connecting dots to tell a story was also used in my online-only UML series, which ran in OlyBlog for awhile.
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