From an issue of City Limits Gazette in March, 1992. The numerical designation consists of symbols that were available on my electric typewriter keyboard, but not on this HP computer one I'm using now.
No doubt I had a cold while drawing this story. The book Dead Gramps Jubilee I'm reading on the bus is a reference to the "Bil Keane Watch," a CLG feature I'll be getting to in the near future.
Actually I have been to Delaware. I didn't see the character mentioned above, but I did meet an aide to Gov. Tribbitt (the Gov. could be heard talking in the next room) in the Capitol building in Dover. I'm enjoying watching their current election campaign for the U.S. Senate with that loonie who is not a witch. Makes me want to propose doing away with elections and just filling public office by lottery, like we do for jury selection. It couldn't be any worse.
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