When Seattle's Annex Theatre moved to more permanent digs, they celebrated by hosting an exhibit of local comix artists, Feb. 11-28, 1988. The artists were Peter Bagge, Michael Dougan, J.R. Williams, me, Mark Zingarelli and Triangle Slash. I'm told "Morty Wanted to be a Cow" and "Sinking Islands" were among several of my works on display, but I've never been to the Annex Theatre so I can't say. I think Michael Dowers had a lot to do with my work being in there.
Getting up to Seattle is a big trip for us simple Grays Harbor County folk. Interstate 5 is not a fun drive. Anyway, by Feb. 1988 my daughter's arrival was about halfway along so I was a bit preoccupied.
There is more to this booklet, but I've scanned the parts of interest to comix people. It is true I have some issues with comic art displayed in gallery settings. One of the strengths of our genre is the fact it has been an under the radar art form, and very abstract drawings and concepts can be universally accepted by a wider audience. Once the art establishment gets their mitts on it, the comix form begins to lose the punch in the nose quality that has made it so powerful for so long.
But, it speaks well of the Annex they chose comix as a way to celebrate. And look, they're still here!
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