Friday, December 10, 2010

Fundamentalcase Follies

John Eades was a reviewer of obscuro comix the mid-1980s. He was also a student at Florida Atlantic University, where he edited the campus newspaper, Atlantic Sun.

He reprinted my comix in the paper, and although he chose some of my more mild pieces to get past the conservative administrators, they apparently still kicked up a fuss. Apparently knowing he was going to get canned anyway, John asked me to pick a hot button issue and draw a comic that would be the equivalent of poking a stick in an antpile.

Hence, the birth of Fundamentalcase Follies, and consequently, the end of John's career as a newspaper editor at FAU.

The strip ran in the Feb. 5, 1986 issue. It was made into a print-on-demand comic in 1994.

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