Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Clay Geerdes Website

Fellow Newaver David Miller informed me that Clay Geerdes' nephew, Bill Kossack, has started a webpage in memory of the man who made our crazy network possible.

I contacted Bill and he added:

"I have an area on my site titled "Underground Friends". Everyone that was connected to comix and knew Clay are invited to submit to it. It's really just a place where someone can submit whatever they want about themselves, how they got into comix, their favorite memories, what they are doing now, etc. They can send me their favorite pics to post with their submission. It doesn't need to be about Clay entirely, but mostly a place where people who were associated with comix can post whatever about their lives.
I'm going to update the web site this weekend with more additions and another update on the weekend of Jan 8th. I'm hoping to have all the Comix World newletters posted by then. The biography section is undergoing a more organized change."

Here's the link to website: https://claygeerdesinfo.com/Home_Page.php