Saturday, December 25, 2010

McCleary 2002 Calendar

1st edition, September 22, 2001, 50 copies, enlarged digest size.

2nd edition, November 20, 2001, 30 copies, enlarged digest size.

Frankly, I'm not sure if there is way to tell the editions apart.

Not all of my published work has to do with comix. For about 15 years I was very active with the McCleary Museum and even served as President of the McCleary Historical Society for a year, cataloged their collection of photographs, manuscripts and publications, and edited the newsletter for awhile too.

Anyway, I'll be including some of the historical writings in this blog due to the graphic work. This calendar was put together as a fundraiser and sold out quickly. Note the entry on May 20.

The drawing on final page is not mine. I wish it was, but it isn't.

McCleary Calendar 2002