Monday, December 27, 2010

Midnight Fiction 2008 Desk Calendar

Richard Krauss of Portland, Oregon pulled me out of semi-retirement when he asked me to contribute to this fun project.

I was peacefully minding my own business like the true Norm that I am, just making an average living with my own two hands [and here as Steve lifts his hands his fingers sort of wiggle back and forth while a "deedle-deedle-deedle" sound effect takes place, as if made by a xylophone] and along comes this opportunity to present the world with an image placed in my cranium by cosmic forces.

And who, I ask you, can resist the chance to draw a penguin in the desert sands? Not me. I just woke up and knew I had to do it.

Midnight Fiction
released this as loose leaves in a CD case. As you can see by the contributor list, I was in good company.

The penguin was based on a pet penguin that used to hang out at my house. I have posted a photo of him with Dreamer the cat. Unless you have lived with a penguin, it is difficult to explain how evil they really are. Fortunately he just picked up and left shortly after seeing my drawing for this project.

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