LHO was published May 5, 2001. It had a print run of a whopping 26 copies (5 blue, 2 red, 4 green, 7 pink, 8 yellow).
The 1st Danger Room Reprint Ed. of June 2005 had 5 copies (2 pink, 3 yellow).
This minicomic was drawn with a #1 lead pencil.
I know it is fashionable these days to believe Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone, but the circumstantial evidence of the assassination being a group effort seems too big to ignore for me. But that doesn't mean I don't have a sense of humor about conspiracy theories, as evidenced (I hope) with this work.
The story is basically true, except for a few details. Since there are people who will believe and quote everything they read (Wikipedia is a good example of a very bad reference source in popular use and frequently cited) I feel obliged to spell out some things. There really was an aquarium fellow and he did indeed look like Oswald, but I believe he had teeth. There was no Texas Book Depository box in his house. The person I knew who lived in his house later was actually living in the house next door, but she told me the new resident in her neighbor's house found tons of discarded aquarium stuff in the place.
And by a coincidence, not a conspiracy, the real-life fellow who looked like Oswald died shortly after this comic was first published.
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