The 1st edition was published by High Resolution Productions (Shawn Christie) in Cloquet, Minnesota. There are a few misleading details on this one. Although the cover has "no. 1" the comic was intended as a monograph rather than as a serial, so the real title is actually on the back page. The date on the back is c1986, but this minicomic didn't see print until 1987, I'm guessing in April or early May.
The 2nd edition was published by Future Comics (Chris DiRe) in Lancaster, New York. The 1st Future Comics printing had 50 copies on white paper in July, 1987. Chris kept the "no. 1" on the cover and a "Future Comics" logo on the top of the cover.
When the work became part of the Reprint Series in my 1994 print-on -demand spree, I stripped off the numerical designation. I have no idea how many copies of this little guy were printed.
The 1st Danger Room Reprint Ed. in June 2005 consisted of 5 copies on yellow cardstock. I incorrectly had the statement "Originally published 1986" on it.
This one has always been one of my favorites and it brings back fond memories of an age when I thought I was invulnerable. In the 1970s I saw a lot of the West Coast and New England thanks to hitching rides. Once in awhile I'd get stuck in a spot for quite some time (next to Disneyland was the worst ever!) and have a chance to just think. This comic was my attempt to capture that experience.
Of course, by 1986 there was no way I was ever going to hitch again-- I was an old guy-- in my 30s!
Notice how the conflict between Morty and myself becomes one of his great joys. That little mutt! I think I'll have to go to a doctor to have him surgically removed!
Steve this one is fantastic! Thanks for posting this.