An entry in the reassembled reprint of a reprint! Most of these drawings were created in the late 1970s, but not published until 1982 (Apr. 8 and Apr. 15) in the Cooper Point Journal, the campus newspaper for the Evergroove State College, where I had left them a big stack before I graduated. In fact, they published more of my comix in the years after than I left than when I was a student.
So I eventually reprinted these in a digest-sized series I occasionally run called Retreads, collecting miscellaneous and scattered work under one volume. These ran in the first issue of Retreads in 1983.
Starhead (Michael Dowers) then reprinted these reprints into a minicomic and called it Life With Skippy. As you can see, there are some very early Morty drawings, and some of the pages confirm cartoonist Jim Ryan's suspicion that a Morty Dog is not an individual but a breed populated by many canines. Who can say? Not me.
The comic is printed sideways from the traditional minicomic format.
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