... and if you think I'm going to repeat that title in the course of this little description, forget it.
This one was published by Dada Gumbo (Dale Luciano) in 1985 when he was still in Tucson, Arizona.
As I recall, we didn't send these jams back and forth and back and forth. Usually Dale would send me an entire comic with images and words pasted in at random, and then I would impose what narrative order I could. So when my part was finished, the comic was basically done.
A sideways minicomic, it measures 11 x 14 cm.
You can add this to the list of comix where Morty the Dog bites the Big One. But as has been postulated before, Morty is probably a breed of dog and not an individual animal. That would explain why it appears he keeps dying over and over again.
Love me some Dada Gumbo...
ReplyDeleteDale Luciano! Wasn't he the guy that wrote the Newave Comix article about some of us in Comics Journal #96? And got the bug and started pubbing minis (ie; Dada Gumbo)?? I think he called my stuff "iconoclastic comix from the heartland." I couldn't have been prouder! Really good guy...(if memory serves)...
ReplyDeleteYes, that's him. By the way your utterly iconoclastic Heartland strip "The President's Proctologist" remains one of my favorite anti-Reagan cartoons ever.
ReplyDeleteI did get a chance to meet Dale about a decade ago. I accompanied my brother to Ashland, Oregon on a business trip of his where one of the people he had to contact was Mr. Luciano. Of course by that time our jams had become a thing of the past but we had a chance to reminisce.