I miss Bruce Chrislip. When Bruce and Joan lived in Seattle it was easy to get together and enjoy socializing. Bruce hosted several cartoonist get togethers and it was through these parties I got to meet many of the local comix people during an exciting period when Seattle was being discovered by the rest of the country and Fantagraphics had moved up here. At the start of the 1980s I felt quite alone as an obscuro self-publisher living in Seattle. By the end 1980s, there was a cartoonist on every block.
But then this funny, nice guy with the encyclopedic brain for comix trivia had to go and leave us for his native Ohio. Seattle has never been the same.
Mark Campos has become something of Seattle cartoonist icon. I personally don't feel any cartoonist gathering is complete without him. During the days when I edited City Limits Gazette (1991-1993) I realized Mark was one the greatest writers among us Newave/Obscuro cartoonists.
Mark, Bruce and I have similar simple drawing styles and sense of space, so our work blends together in this jam. Horst, comes from a different school, and his visuals really give the story an energetic shift. He has a gift for really packing a lot of info in a small area! And nice work it is too.
Published by Starhead Comix in Seattle in 1990.
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