Saturday, September 11, 2010

Comix Jams

While I'm crawling through the vault in order to locate old comix to scan and bring back to life, I'm finding a ton of comix jams.

A comix jam is when 2 or more cartoonists collaborate and produce what generally turns out to be improv in print. I've never taken the trouble to count how many jams or artists I've worked with over the years, but there were many. Most were back and forth through the mail in the pre-Internet era, but a few were live.

If you are one of the artists I'm talking about, you can expect me to eventually contact you for permission to post our comic here. Or, you could be pre-emptive and let me know ahead of time.

In the meantime I'll continue to plow through these small minicomix at first and then graduate to the digest and standard sized comix.

For the readers who simply want to read the comix, I'm hoping to scan as much as I can with background commentary over time. Sarah and I are still working on a way to make hardcopy versions available of both new and vintage publications for those of you who enjoy collecting this stuff.

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