Sunday, September 12, 2010

Asteroid 1997 XF11

This happy little monograph was published in Mar. 1998, when it was thought the possibility of this space rock slamming into our distracted globe was rather high. Actually, it will be coming uncomfortably close in 2028. But the news did give me a chance to exhibit my feelings about negative social forces that divide the human race.

The initial printing was just 20 copies. My personal copy is on red paper and unstapled, but I don't know about the others. The June 2005 1st Danger Room Ed. consisted of 5 copies on pink card stock.

You can see by the quotes at the start and finish that I am a Woodian. I first became of aware of Ed Wood and his films when I lived in Pullman sometime between 1983-1986 and have been interested in his work ever since. By the time Ed Wood was the age I am now he was dead. Too bad he didn't live long enough to see the attention he has generated.